Make a donation
Donation Policy
- Evidence Based Treatment Centers of Seattle, PLLC (“EBT”) solicits and accepts gifts that are consistent with its mission and that support its core programs, as well as special projects.
- Donations will generally be accepted from individuals, partnerships, corporations, foundations, government agencies, or other entities, without limitation. EBT typically only accepts gifts of cash, but EBT may, upon review, accept gifts of real property, personal property, stock, in-kind services.
- All gifts are subject to review and prior approval in accordance with the following considerations:
- Values-whether the acceptance of the gift compromises any of the core values of EBT.
- Compatibility-Whether there is compatibility between the intent of the donor and the organization’s use of the gift.
- Public Relationships-whether acceptance of the gift may damage the reputation of EBT.
- Primary Benefit-whether the primary benefit is to EBT, versus the donor.
- Consistency-whether the gift is consistent with prior practice.
- Form of Gift-whether the gift offered is in a form that EBT can use without incurring substantial expense or difficulty.
- Effect on Future Giving-whether the gift will encourage or discourage future gifts.
- Donations made for the purpose of providing scholarships to those with financial need handled in the following manner: The funds are tracked in their own class in EBT’s accounting software (although the funds, as an asset of EBT, remain subject to creditor claims). If EBT management detenninates that a client is in financial need and assistance is appropriate, EBT will provide the client with a discount against normal charges or money owed, and EBT will transfer money equal to the amount of the discount from the segregated account to its general account.
- EBT is a for profit entity. Donations made to EBT will not qualify for a charitable deduction under IRS rules. EBT urges all prospective donors to seek the assistance of personal legal and financial advisors in matters relating to their gifts, including the resulting tax and estate planning consequences.
- This donation policy is informational only, and does not constitute a contract between EBT and any donor. EBT reserves the right to modify its donation policy at any time.