What to Expect at the Assessment Clinic

A careful evaluation of ADHD, behavioral difficulties often associated with ADHD, and learning problems incorporates input from several areas of an individual’s daily life to make a clear diagnosis. As part of the diagnostic interview, key individuals involved in the client’s life will be asked to provide information. This means that the psychologists working in our assessment clinic will work as a team with the client and other relevant individuals involved in the client’s care; this includes but is not limited to parents, therapists, and teachers. The goal is to gather a holistic picture of a patient’s cognitive, academic, and/or social-emotional functioning, including their strengths and areas of growth, in order to provide an appropriate diagnosis and recommendations.

Additionally, a thorough evaluation often includes an assessment of learning problems given the high percentage of individuals with ADHD who struggle academically. Understanding the presence or absence of these types of problems is crucial to inform recommendations. Therefore, it is common for the evaluation to include a diagnostic interview as well as cognitive and academic functioning components.

Our assessment process typically includes a series of interviews and testing sessions at our office over the course of an 8-week period. The culmination of this process is a meeting with the psychologist for delivery of a full report and a feedback session where the client (and family members if applicable) will gain insight into their abilities, challenges, and strengths as well as detailed recommendations. Additional services are available as needed that include, but are not limited to, feedback to the school team, support in pursuing a 504 or IEP plan, and appropriate intervention.

What Services are Offered?

We provide comprehensive, high quality assessment services for adults and children ages 4+ years old, including:

– Academic placement “i.e. Gifted Testing”

– Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)

– Learning Differences

How Does it Work?

Every Psychoeducational Assessment Service includes:

– A 2-hour interview.

– Approximately 6 assessment hours, sometimes spreading across more than 1 scheduled testing date, depending on the assessed individual need of the client.

– A written report of our clinician’s evaluation and diagnosis of the client, with recommendations for follow-up services and/or supports and accommodations in school or work settings as appropriate.

– A 90-minute meeting to discuss findings and review the written report.

Clients should anticipate the time needed to schedule conduct all tests and gather all necessary information will be a period that ranges between 4 to 8 weeks’ time.

Contact Us To Learn More

Speak with a Client Services Coordinator at 206-374-0109 to see if our services are right for you.

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Additional Services

We also offer treatment for children and teens who are either already diagnosed with ADHD or who are waiting for an assessment. Speak with a Client Services Coordinator at 206-374-0109 to see if our services are right for you.

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